
Monday, April 15, 2013

Insert Witty Blog Title Here

So today at work was full of it's usual fail but that's okay it merely prompts me to write more. Every word typed makes me a sentence closer to leaving soul sucking cubical hell. LOL If you ever think working for a small company is the way to go talk to someone who has first. It isn't all it's cracked up to be.

But in other news I read the calls for submission over at Dreamspinner Press I think I have a decent idea for their "Dr. Feel Good" Anthology. Since the story only needs to be between 3,500 - 12,000 words long I'm in good shape. If this idea keeps rubbing my muse the right way I think I could have the first draft done in a day or two.

Can anyone say muse on fire?

I'm not knocking it, I'm reveling in it! Anyone out there know of a good call for submission they'd like to share?